How can I steam without a basket?

Chef's answer
5 Ways to Steam Vegetables Without a Basket
  • Fill a metal strainer or colander. Choose a saucepan that's wide enough to hold the metal strainer around the rim, and deep enough that the strainer doesn't touch the bottom. ...
  • Grab a wire cooling rack. ...
  • Use a splatter screen. ...
  • Try a foil pie tin. ...
  • Fire up the microwave.
  • Frequently asked Questions 🎓
    Clams have a unique taste and can get slightly chewy when cooked. If cooked properly, however, they become a hugely rewarding little treat from the sea. ... Clams have a unique taste and can get slightly chewy when cooked. If cooked properly, however, they become a hugely rewarding little treat from the sea.
    Sausages split because pressure builds up on the inside as they cook (typically from vapor produced by the heat, but also from the expansion of the foody goodness inside). ... When the stress in the casing reaches a critical value, it fails catastrophically and the sausage bursts.
    Now let's review four of our favorite cooking methods for making fantastic lobster: boiling, steaming, grilling, and poaching in butter.
    Best Ways to Cook a Burger
  • Pan-fried Burger. Pan-frying is a great method for cooking burgers using minimal time while achieving maximum flavor. ...
  • Smashed Burger. ...
  • Steamed Burger. ...
  • Broiled Burger. ...
  • Char-Grilled Burger.
  • .
    Tilapia is a sustainable farm-raised product. Because tilapia are herbivorous fish that feed on algae, there is no need for feeds produced from wild caught fish. Raising tilapia in some ponds or other small water bodies can actually help improve the quality of waters compromised by excessive algae blooms..
    Will I always get sick from eating undercooked chicken? No. It all boils down if the chicken you ate was contaminated, and if it was stored properly when you brought it home from the grocery store.
    Sometimes, when cooking steak on really high heat you can wind up with a "black and blue" steak. That means it's seared on the outside (black) but still raw in the middle (blue). ... Remove the steak from the pan and let rest for about 10 minutes before slicing.
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