What insects does Rosemary attract?

Chef's answer
Rosemary. Though you'll want to plant an herb garden for cooking, rosemary repels flies and mosquitoes. It also has a pungent scent that drives away other bugs, including cabbage moths. It does well in hot dry weather, and thrives in containers, so you can set it in various places around the garden.
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Plan ahead and get seeds of Hopi Red Dye amaranth to plant in this year's garden or around the flowerbeds. In addition to being a great food source, it attracts bees, butterflies and birds. You can eat the leaves and still collect the seeds.
Butterflies are particularly fond of sliced, rotting oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, peaches, nectarines apples and bananas. Place on plates and put outside. The mixture can be kept moist by adding water or fruit juice.
Gomphrena, also called Globe Amaranth, is an easy-to-grow annual for any flower garden and make a great addition to dried bouquets. ... Butterflies and other small pollinators are drawn to these tiny flowers. Plant Globe Amaranth in full sun to part shade and water well until established.
Globe Amaranth Plant Features It attracts butterflies, too! Taller varieties of globe amaranth grow 18 to 24 inches tall and work well in the middle of the flower border..
Native "weeds" that you might consider leaving, at least in a few out-of-sight or controlled areas, that attract moths and butterflies, include plantain (66), horsenettle (61), ragweed (48), lambsquarters (42), nettle (35), pigweed (29), and thistle (29)..
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