What internal temp should tilapia be?

Chef's answer
145 degrees F.What temp does tilapia need to be? The FDA recommends cooking fish to an internal temperature of 145 degrees F.
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Heat the oven to between 225 and 275 degrees. Grease a thin sheet pan with olive oil. Carefully place a frying pan of just-boiled water on the lower oven rack. Arrange the salmon on the prepared sheet pan, season generously with salt and pepper, and place on the upper oven rack..
145 degrees FAccording to the USDA's website, scallops are considered cooked through and safe to eat when the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees F (62.7 degrees C).
Let scallops sit at room temperature for 10 minutes while towels absorb moisture. 2. Sprinkle scallops on both sides with salt and pepper. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in 12?inch nonstick skillet over high heat until just smoking.
With the right app, your Android smartphone or tablet can function as a thermometer using your device's built-in temperature sensor. However, even if your mobile device is not equipped with a temperature sensor, there is still a way to get a decent temperature reading for the surrounding air.
How to take your temperature on your iPhone by using a Kinsa smart thermometer. You can take your temperature using your iPhone by linking the Apple Health app to a smart thermometer. Smart thermometers, like Kinsa's QuickCare and Smart Ear products, let you upload your health readings to a phone.
One reliable app is the iThermonitor, which can be downloaded on either iPhone or Android devices. Using it, you can get a temperature on emergencies and other situations when you don't have a thermometer.
Heaveen Thermometer is a great app to install on your Android devices, it's free to use and super easy to install and set up. All you'll need to do is calibrate the sensor to the outside air temperature and you're good to go. Be sure to follow the instructions for accurate readings.
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