What is a pie with just a lid called?

Chef's answer
More details. The term Pie is used loosely, 'Custard Pie' is custard with a pastry base, sides and no lid. Some eateries advertise pie, but it is a bowl of filling with just a lid. A Pie has pastry base, sides and most importantly - a lid..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
Richard's solution: Soggy bottoms can be a right nuisance, even though they don't really alter the taste of your bake. They are usually the result of either a filling that's too wet in your bake or an under-cooked or thin pastry base..
Pastry must always be chilled in a fridge after making. This helps it to relax which in turn will help to prevent it shrinking on baking. Additionally, instead of trimming excess pastry from a tart case before baking blind you could also leave it overhanging the tin..
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