What is a triple shot of espresso?

Chef's answer
A triple espresso is an espresso drink often found in coffeehouses. ... Because of its strong flavor, many people choose to add flavor and/or milk to espresso, but a triple espresso is served with neither. Espresso shots that are pulled properly and served promptly have a strong coffee flavor with a slightly sweet taste..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
In espresso-based drinks in America, particularly larger milk-based drinks, a drink with three or four shots of espresso will be called a "triple" or "quad", respectively..
A triple espresso is an espresso drink often found in coffeehouses. ... Because of its strong flavor, many people choose to add flavor and/or milk to espresso, but a triple espresso is served with neither. Espresso shots that are pulled properly and served promptly have a strong coffee flavor with a slightly sweet taste..
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