What is the difference between a pizza and a calzone?

Chef's answer
A calzone is actually a type of pizza, but the big difference is it's inside out! The dough is on the outside and the "toppings" are inside the calzone making it a completely different experience from eating a pizza..
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Thanks. Yes, just roll out a circle as you would a pizza, then lay your toppings (cheese and whatever else you'd like) on one half of the dough. Fold the dough to cover the toppings in the pocket..
A Calzone is like a mini pizza pocket and it's super easy to make at home! A pizza dough crust is filled to the brim with cheese and toppings is baked until golden.
Calzones never have tomato sauce inside the dough. They're always dipped. While stromboli is also dip-able, it's totally cool to put some sauce inside stromboli, pre-roll.
How to make Calzones:
  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Set pizza stone in oven to get hot while oven preheats (or use a baking sheet turned upside down).
  • Divide pizza dough into 8 portions. Roll a piece into a flat disk, about 1/4inch thick. Add about ? cup of toppings to one side, including a generous sprinkle of cheese.
  • A calzone has one layer and is filled with ricotta, mozzarella, and Italian meats. Even vegetables such as broccoli and spinach are popular calzone fillings. The dough is folded into a half moon shape and baked until golden brown. They're best when they come out of the oven with the cheese falling over the sides..
    1 Answer. The origin of the term 'calzone' meaning 'pizza calzone' is not clear. Actually calzone is the augmentative form of the term 'calza' which means stocking. The idea is that of a 'Christmas stocking' filled with food, a popular idea in the south of Italy.
    Calzones aren't exactly healthy food, especially if they are stuffed with meat and large amounts of cheese. A calzone typically uses the same amount of pizza dough as a pizza crust and is meant to serve four people. Eating a whole calzone yourself can mean eating more than your recommended calories for the day..
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