What should I eat to become fat and healthy?

Chef's answer
The 18 Best Healthy Foods to Gain Weight Fast
  • Homemade protein smoothies. Drinking homemade protein smoothies can be a highly nutritious and quick way to gain weight. ...
  • Milk. Milk has been used as a weight gainer or muscle builder for decades (1). ...
  • Rice. ...
  • Nuts and nut butters. ...
  • Red meats. ...
  • Potatoes and starches. ...
  • Salmon and oily fish. ...
  • Protein supplements.
  • More items....
    Frequently asked Questions 🎓
    Although this sausage is relatively high in protein, it is also high in calories and fat, making it an energy-dense meat you shouldn't consume often if you are trying to lose weight.
    Don't let scare stories make you shy from sausage: chorizo is full of vit B1, which turns protein into muscle. Throw it in a hot pan. When the fat starts to run, add the chicken, fry and set aside.
    If you do cut with the grain of the steak, you will often find the meat more gamey and tougher to chew. The reason? It is because the long muscle fibers remain intact and haven't been cut. Cutting against the grain breaks up the muscle fibers making the steak much more tender.
    Eating fish can also serve a lot of benefits. One of the biggest benefits being Omega-3 fatty acids, which our body cannot produce naturally. Omega-3 is known to reduce inflammation and stress levels in the body, which can contribute to weight gain.
    Some whey protein products have as much as 52 grams. When it comes to protein, it's not a "more is better" situation. Too much can lead to weight gain, constipation, and kidney strain. The protein in beef jerky is, as Goldilocks says, "just right.
    Most jerky has a ton of sodium. quenching your thirst with a 'diet' drink could add even more sodium. like any food - be aware of the calories and take in moderation. If you do something "weird" to loss weight, it might work but you'll gain the weight back.
    Flake the salmon, and toss it with a simple pasta sauce. Gently cook or saute the salmon together with the other ingredients in the oil so it can help moisten the fish back to its tender flakey self.
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