What thickener is most often used in basic cream soup?

Chef's answer
Culinary termsABRouxWhich thickener is most often used in basic cream soupused to create many other saucesThe five grand sauces are known as mother sauces because they arestrainThe wringing method is used to ____a sauceVelouteWhich grand sauce is made from veal, chicken, or fish stock and a white or blond roux41 more rows.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
If I want to get the task done fast, I can put it on a higher heat and stir the whole time, or I can use a lower heat and stir every few minutes." If using a higher heat, choose a fat with a higher smoke point, like vegetable oil (or a mix of butter and oil), to avoid burning the roux.
Roux-based soups contain flour (starch) and fat..
One of the most important keys to building a delicious stock-based clear soup is to: season the soup as you make it. Roux-based soups always contain cream. The stems of hard vegetables should never be used to make a roux-based soup..
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