Why is my pizza not browning?

Chef's answer
The Oven Was Not Hot Enough As we've mentioned about browning, the heat is the key to turning the sugars in the dough darker. On top of that, using a lower heat the extended cooking times will also dry a pizza out and make it tough. So set your oven to the highest setting and let it preheat for at least 45 minutes..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
A wet scallop has been soaked in a preservative phosphate solution. This makes the scallop absorb more water, and when you cook them, they kind of shrivel a bit and don't brown as well because of that extra liquid. The phosphate solution also gives the scallop an off flavor, and they're usually not as fresh.
The idea of dusting meat in seasoned flour before browning it is a throwback to old-school French peasant cookery, and you'll still come across recipes recommending this approach, but, as Richard suspects, it's really not necessary, nor even particularly beneficial.
Although the meatballs are not browned first, they still cook though in the sauce and it is safe to add them to the sauce raw, as long as the sauce is kept at a simmer until the meatballs are cooked through. Cooking the meatballs this way means that they stay quite tender even when cooked.
Salt before the meat hits the pan, and also salt the meat while it cooks. Once the meat is fully cooked and brown, add a touch more kosher salt to finish it off. Adding salt in layers/stages makes for a much more flavorful beef.
Beef mince: Choose leanness carefully. While Bolognese and other rich sauces benefit from flavoursome full-fat mince, neglecting to drain off excess grease after browning may flood the sauce with an oily layer.
Season. Just before cooking, sprinkle with salt and pepper, or your favorite seasoning blend. The seasoning will stick to the surface of your meat and help create that amazing crust.
First, start out with your hot pan and the bowl of your meatball mixture close by. Not letting the meatballs sit and rest in a pan, but instead quickly making them and placing them in the skillet helps them stay round.
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