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20 Recent Questions 🆕
Does corned beef come with a spice packet?
Most corned beef brisket will come with a seasoning pack, but I much prefer my h...
How do you master pancakes?
Turn heat up to medium-low and using a measuring cup, ladle 1/3 cup batter into...
What months are lobster season?
Lobsters are harvested year-round in Maine and New Hampshire. However, the major...
Are calzone and pizza dough the same?
A Calzone is like a mini pizza pocket and it's super easy to make at home! A piz...
What temperature should venison steak be cooked to?
145 FWhole cuts like steaks or roasts: Cook to a minimum internal temperature of...
How many clams should I eat a day?
Clams contain a healthy serving of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Just one 3 oz serving of...
Will undercooked scallops make you sick?
Eating raw or undercooked seafood, especially clams, mollusks, oysters and scall...
Can dogs eat swordfish?
So Can Dogs Eat Fish? To make a long story short, yes, dogs can eat fish, and fi...
What temperature should oil be to fry donuts?
between 360 and 375 degrees FMost experts suggest frying in neutral-tasting vege...
How much is a bag of clams?
LIVE Clam PricesLIVE ClamsQuantityPriceOcean Clamsper dozen$3.79/dozenOcean Clam...
How do you know if the fish is fresh?
Fresh fish should have a mild scent and moist flesh, and appear freshly cut. Don...
How do you cook meat so it's tender?
8 Simple Ways to Make Tough Meat TenderPhysically tenderize the meat. For tough...
Why do bodybuilders eat sweet potatoes?
Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen, which is your body's primary fuel source f...
Why is it called jerky?
Jerky is lean trimmed meat that has been cut into strips and dried (dehydrated)...
Can fish be a little pink?
If fish is pink raw, it should still be pink when it's cooked. If it wasn't pink...
Why is it called lemon grass?
Lemongrass is a tropical perennial plant which yields aromatic oil. The name lem...
Should dressing be soupy?
The dressing should be pretty soupy so it doesn't dry out during baking. You may...
What is the English national dish?
Chicken tikka masalaUnited Kingdom/National dishesSearch for: What is the Englis...
Is salmon season open in California?
Ocean salmon season opens June 26. Ocean salmon recreational season for the San...
How long do 2 minute noodles take to digest?
Kuo found that while the homemade ramen noodles got instantly digested in 1-2 ho...
TOP Questions 🔝
Can you eat tortellini cold?
Tortellini cooks in 10 minutes .... you can eat them cold, you can eat them hot....
Does corned beef make you fat?
serving of corned beef has 210 calories. Like any beef, it's high in fat, so lim...
Can you soak your fish in buttermilk?
A little buttermilk bath does wonders for fresh fish fillets such as catfish, fl...
What is the healthiest oil to cook with 2020?
Healthy Cooking OilsCanola.Corn.Olive.Peanut.Safflower.Soybean.Sunflower.24 Apr...
Is sweet potato better than rice?
They are both great sources of complex carbohydrates. Per 100 grams raw brown ri...
What is Dececco pasta?
De Cecco is an Italian company producing dried pasta, flour and other related fo...
Why does aluminum foil turn white?
That discoloration is aluminum oxide, a harmless substance that is naturally pre...
How do I know if I have Vibrio vulnificus?
Signs and symptoms of Vibrio vulnificus infection can include: Watery diarrhea,...
Do razor clams need to be cleaned?
It is necessary to properly clean and prepare razor clams before cooking. ... Pl...
Is it OK to eat salmon pink in the middle?
Ensure that your salmon does not turn dark as it is meant to be eaten when it is...
What can I use in meatloaf instead of eggs?
Substitute for Eggs in MeatloafOlive Oil. Olive oil is probably the simplest sub...
Can you eat any fish raw?
Not Every Fish Can Be Eaten Uncooked Nearly every fish or other sea critter is e...
Do I Refrigerate cooked bacon?
To maximize the shelf life of cooked bacon for safety and quality, refrigerate t...
Can frozen fish be grilled?
You can skip the thawing process altogether and cook frozen fish straight from t...
How long does it take to smoke a 13 pound brisket at 225?
How long do you smoke a brisket at 225? To achieve the best results, I cook the...
Does Abigail like daffodil?
As for Abigail, she also likes Quartz. It's not the Amethyst, but it's still not...
What does ammonia taste like?
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one possible cause of having an ammonia taste in...
How expensive is a dehydrator?
Food Dehydrator cost Range: ?The price range of a food dehydrator ranges between...
Does boiling pork longer make it softer?
Does meat get more tender the longer you cook it in a slow cooker? Not if you're...
Should you drain meatloaf while cooking?
A free-form meatloaf allows you to develop a crust on the outside, but it can dr...