Are mussels good for bodybuilding?

Chef's answer
High-Quality Protein The protein in mussels is easy to digest, so the body gets the full benefit. Protein plays multiple roles in your overall health, building muscle, boosting the immune system, strengthening bone, and healing injuries.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
It's worth pointing out that eating cooked clams is safer, and will lessen your chances of contracting a food-borne illness (via ISSC). Mussels, on the other hand, are almost always cooked one way or another.
Cooking Mussels &.
High-Quality Protein The protein in mussels is easy to digest, so the body gets the full benefit. Protein plays multiple roles in your overall health, building muscle, boosting the immune system, strengthening bone, and healing injuries.
To steam mussels: Bring to a boil, then dump in the mussels and cover. Reduce heat to moderate and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mussels open wide. This will take 3 to 6 minutes, but check frequently after 3 minutes..
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