Are Swedish pancakes crepes?

Chef's answer
What is the difference between a crepe and a Swedish pancake? Visually it can be difficult to tell the difference, but once you take a bite it's very apparent. Crepes are more dense and chewy due to more flour, less eggs and no butter. Swedish pancakes are lighter and fluffier by using less flour, more eggs and butter.
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Swedish Meatballs are typically smaller in size than Italian meatballs and they are usually made with a 50-50 ratio of ground pork and ground beef. Swedish Meatballs also tend to use spices like allspice and nutmeg for flavoring where Italian meatballs rely more on parmesan and garlic flavoring.
Surstromming, a fermented herring considered to be a famous delicacy in Sweden, is also known as one of the most pungent foods in the world.
Swedish meatballs are traditionally served with mashed or boiled potatoes and lingonberry jam, but feel free to serve them with rice or noodles. If you like spiced meatballs, add a dash of allspice to the meat mixture.
I call it Swedish Meatballs Stroganoff, which is a bit of a misnomer, as the mashup has nothing to do with Sweden nor is it a true stroganoff which is a Russian dish that uses sour cream to finish the dish. ... Of course, Swedish meatballs are often served with lingonberry sauce, a sauce similar to cranberry sauce.
What is the difference between a crepe and a Swedish pancake? Visually it can be difficult to tell the difference, but once you take a bite it's very apparent. Crepes are more dense and chewy due to more flour, less eggs and no butter. Swedish pancakes are lighter and fluffier by using less flour, more eggs and butter.
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