Are tacos al pastor Lebanese?

Chef's answer
Tacos al pastor were created in the 1930s in Puebla, Mexico, by Lebanese immigrants who introduced the region to classic shawarma: roast lamb served on a flour tortilla or pita bread (pan arabe). ... The onions, cilantro and salsa of modern-day tacos al pastor are hallmarks of Mexican cuisine.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
What ground beef is best for tacos? There are different types of ground beef available at the grocery store. Select a grind that has between 80 to 90% lean meat which will be either ground chuck, round or sirloin. The higher the percentage of fat, the more flavor, and the meat won't taste as dry.
After you've finished boiling the ground beef, you'll need to drain it. To avoid letting any fat or grease fall down the drain of your sink, set up a strainer inside of a large bowl. Pour the pot of boiled beef through the strainer, and the bowl will catch the grease..
The average serving of protein per guest is 4 ounces. The "conservative" amount of ground beef in a typical taco is 2.5 ounces, but because of the other taco fillings we estimate 2 ounces of beef for the average taco.
What ground beef is best for tacos? There are different types of ground beef available at the grocery store. Select a grind that has between 80 to 90% lean meat which will be either ground chuck, round or sirloin. The higher the percentage of fat, the more flavor, and the meat won't taste as dry.
ground beefThe best meat to use for taco meat is a simple ground beef, a 70-80% lean. The fat is going to help give flavor to the meat and we are able to drain the grease prior to serving.
Apparently nothing, as it is theorized that al pastor is a Mexican version of Lebanese kebabs/gyros, circa 1930. I am not a fan of sweet/sour, but will make a quick marinade for pork in pineapple juice. ... In Mexico City, the pineapple is pretty common. And as he says, it's not crushed, but rather stuck...
Al pastor tacos are made by marinating meat (historically lamb but often pork nowadays) with Mexican-meets-Middle Eastern flavors like charred onions, garlic, achiote paste, cumin, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves..
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