Can tapeworms go away on their own?

Chef's answer
Some types of intestinal worms, such as tapeworms, may disappear on their own if you have a strong immune system and healthy diet and lifestyle. However, depending on the type of intestinal worm infection, one may require treatment with an antiparasitic medication..
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A tapeworm infection is usually diagnosed by finding eggs or tapeworm segments in the stool. Your doctor may ask you to bring in a sample so a lab can look for eggs, larvae, or tapeworm segments. A blood test can spot antigens, foreign substances that let your doctor know your body is trying to fight the infection.
The fish species in the study involved several types of wild Alaskan salmon: chinook, coho, pink and sockeye salmon, as well as rainbow trout. They found a Japanese broad tapeworm burrowed in the muscles of a Pacific pink salmon, near the fish's spine.
Tapeworms are more likely to be transmitted from contaminated meats that can affect cats, dogs and people. Worm infestations cause gastrointestinal symptoms and weight loss as primary symptoms..
There has been only one documented case of infection by a close relative of fish tapeworm (Pacific broad tapeworm), and one case of Anisakis infection. Raw fish sushi and sashimi in Australia predominantly contain salmon or tuna.
Some types of intestinal worms, such as tapeworms, may disappear on their own if you have a strong immune system and healthy diet and lifestyle. However, depending on the type of intestinal worm infection, one may require treatment with an antiparasitic medication..
Some types of intestinal worms, such as tapeworms, may disappear on their own if you have a strong immune system and healthy diet and lifestyle. However, depending on the type of intestinal worm infection, one may require treatment with an antiparasitic medication. Serious symptoms shouldn't be ignored..
Thoroughly cook meat at temperatures of at least 145 F (63 C) to kill tapeworm eggs or larvae. Freeze meat for as long as seven to 10 days and fish for at least 24 hours in a freezer with a temperature of -31 F (-35 C) to kill tapeworm eggs and larvae.
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