Can you plant avocado seed?

Chef's answer
You can start with an avocado seed. Wash it. Use three toothpicks to suspend it broad end down over a water-filled glass to cover about an inch of the seed. ... When the roots are thick and the stem has leaves again, plant it in a rich humus soil in a 10?-inch-diameter pot, leaving the seed half exposed.
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Directions: Mix crab, 1/4 cup of bread crumbs, parsley, salt, pepper and egg together. ... Roll in remaining bread crumbs Fry in about 1/2 inch grape seed oil until golden on each side, about 1 to 2 minutes. Serve garnished with lemon wedges..
Points to remember
  • Score a cross in the skin of the base of a tomato. ...
  • Boil a kettle and pour the hot water over the tomato.
  • Leave for a few secs until the skin near the cross starts to curl.
  • Place in cold water, then peel off the skin.
  • To deseed, cut through the centre of the tomato then cut into quarters.
  • More items....
    Do tomato seeds turn fresh tomato sauce bitter? Since the seeds don't harm the flavor and removing them is a hassle, we'll be leaving them in. ... If you choose to remove the seeds for aesthetic reasons, be sure to strain off and use the flavorful gel that surrounds them..
    Points to remember
  • Score a cross in the skin of the base of a tomato. ...
  • Boil a kettle and pour the hot water over the tomato.
  • Leave for a few secs until the skin near the cross starts to curl.
  • Place in cold water, then peel off the skin.
  • To deseed, cut through the centre of the tomato then cut into quarters.
  • More items....
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