Can you reverse Sear skirt steak?

Chef's answer
Enter the reverse sear. Like flank, hanger and flap meat, all of which also come from well-exercised muscles, skirt steak delivers a good chew but isn't tough, if prepared and sliced properly. And, because skirt steak is so thin, it quickly reaches its optimal doneness, which is rare or medium-rare.
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Enter the reverse sear. Like flank, hanger and flap meat, all of which also come from well-exercised muscles, skirt steak delivers a good chew but isn't tough, if prepared and sliced properly. And, because skirt steak is so thin, it quickly reaches its optimal doneness, which is rare or medium-rare.
Where it's from: Skirt steak is a thin, long cut of beef from the diaphragm muscles of the cow. ... Flavor and texture: Skirt steak has even more intense beefy flavor than flank steak. It does contain more tough muscles than flank steak, though, so should only be cooked to rare or medium rare for the most tender texture.
What is Flank Steak? Other names for flank steak include London broil and skirt steak, which is actually a different cut (more on that in a moment). This cut of steak comes from the abdominal muscles of the animal, right behind its chest..
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