Do they eat with chopsticks in Thailand?

Chef's answer
Thailand. Historically, Thai people used bare hands to eat and occasionally used a spoon and fork for curries or soup, the result of Western influence. But many Thai noodle dishes, served in a bowl are eaten with chopsticks. Unlike in China and in Vietnam, chopsticks are not used with a bowl of rice..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
Shrimp Production and Slavery Labor practices are a serious issue in both wild and farmed shrimp supply chains, especially in countries like Thailand, where human trafficking is a major problem. ... Oxfam has also documented horrible working conditions and low wages in the shrimp industry across Asia.
  • BRING large pot of water to boil. Add rice noodles.
  • Soak the rice noodles until flexible yet solid but not completely cooked, about 5 to 10 minutes. Drain noodles and rinse with cold water.
    Thai food, on average, is healthier than Chinese food. It's cooked with significantly fewer oils, and its ingredients are fresher, creating a "lighter" feeling when you finish eating. In comparison, Chinese food is deep-fried more often and can use plenty of preservatives..
    Tom yum has fewer than 100 calories per cup. It also has shrimp, veggies, and fragrant spices, such as lemongrass. Tom yum and other broth-based soups, like tofu-vegetable or wonton, are usually lower in fat and calories than soups made with coconut milk, such as tom kha..
    Why is Thai food so addictive? ... Because you have experienced positive feelings about Thai food, you love the food a lot and that's why you feel it is "so addictive" - the chili spices in the food release endorphins or 'feel-good' neurotransmitters. However the addiction is emotional and mental rather than physical..
    But Thai cuisine is not only healthy because of its freshness and lack of heavy fats: the herbs and spices most used in Thai cuisine themselves all have medicinal qualities that will keep you in good health if you eat them regularly. ... Kaffir lime is used in Thai medicine to treat high blood pressure..
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