How do I get my Victoria sponge to rise evenly?

Chef's answer
Add the cake batter to the pans and smack them down on the counter a few times. This will eliminate any air bubbles. Put it in the oven and bake away. What's happening here is that the moisture from towel is helping the cake bake more evenly, resulting in an even rise and a cake with a flat top.
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To do this, place sausages in a pan with about half a centimetre of water and bring it to the boil. Before the water boils away completely, turn the sausages to evenly cook them, then allow them to continue cooking in the pan to brown the skin..
Add the cake batter to the pans and smack them down on the counter a few times. This will eliminate any air bubbles. Put it in the oven and bake away. What's happening here is that the moisture from towel is helping the cake bake more evenly, resulting in an even rise and a cake with a flat top.
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