How do you cook gammon Mary Berry?

Chef's answer
Place the gammon snugly in a pan. Completely cover with ginger beer, topping the pan up with water if the ginger beer doesn't cover the top of the gammon..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
It sounds like what we might call a "country ham". Basically and uncooked salt cured ham. ... The main difference between gammon and ham is that gammon will be sold raw and needs to be cooked.
A gammon joint can be cooked by boiling or a combination of boiling and baking. Cooked gammon can be served hot, traditionally with parsley sauce or a sweet cranberry and port relish..
Both gammon and ham are cuts from the hind legs of a pig. ... Gammon has been cured in the same way as bacon whereas ham has been dry-cured or cooked. Once you've cooked your gammon, it is then called ham.".
Insert a sharp knife inside the gammon and pull it out. If you struggle to take it out, or it feels a bit springy, the meat isn't cooked. Return it to the slow cooker to let it cook for longer.
Soaking the gammon in water to remove saltiness is generally a thing of the past but check with your butcher or look at pack instructions to be sure. To start, weigh your meat to calculate cooking times. ... Cook uncovered until the glaze is golden..
Boil gammon Simply cover your gammon joint with your chosen liquid, bring it to the boil and allow to simmer..
Cooking your Gammon Weigh your meat to calculate cooking times. For example for a 1KG gammon it's going to be 40 minutes.
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