How long is salmon spawning season?

Chef's answer
Adults hold in cool water habitats through the summer, then spawn in the fall from mid-August through early October. Spring run juveniles migrate soon after emergence as young-of-the-year, or remain in freshwater and migrate as yearlings..
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Salmon change color to attract a spawning mate. ... Most of them stop eating when they return to freshwater and have no energy left for a return trip to the ocean after spawning. After they die, other animals eat them (but people don't) or they decompose, adding nutrients to the stream..
Most zombie fish die within days of spawning, but some can last up to a couple of weeks. Once they die in the river, they are eaten by animals, or they decompose and add nutrients to the river. The Pacific salmon is a classic example of a semelparous animal..
Chum salmon can spawn as early as March or "late summer," but with high water flows, the heaviest concentrations usually are early in winter. Pink salmon spawn August to October. With the salmon lifecycle, Pacific salmon species die after spawning, whereas Atlantic salmon may survive for another salmon spawning season.
Adults hold in cool water habitats through the summer, then spawn in the fall from mid-August through early October. Spring run juveniles migrate soon after emergence as young-of-the-year, or remain in freshwater and migrate as yearlings..
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