How many Briskets do I need to feed 75 people?

Chef's answer
In a crowd of just guys, I cound on 1/2 lb per person, so a brisket feeds about 15. If you have 75 people, you need at least 4 briskets.
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12oz per guy and 8oz per woman is what I would cook. Assuming 80 people at 50% men, 50% women, that would be 50lb of raw meat.
A small section of brisket, say 3-4 pounds, will still take at least 5 hours to cook and that is if you are wrapping in foil after it has smoked for at least 2 hours. The reason the time per pound guidelines break down for smaller cuts is that the real variable is not the weight of the brisket.
In a crowd of just guys, I cound on 1/2 lb per person, so a brisket feeds about 15. If you have 75 people, you need at least 4 briskets.
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