How many crab legs are in a cluster?

Chef's answer
three legsWhat is a cluster of crab? A whole cluster: three legs, a claw and a shoulder.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
three legsWhat is a cluster of crab? A whole cluster: three legs, a claw and a shoulder.
Approximately 1-2 clusters per pound..
Live snow crab average just over 1 pound round weight. The "clusters" are taken off the main body of the crab, cooked, chilled, frozen and then glazed before they are packed into 40 lb..
2 clustersSnow crab legs have sweet, tender meat. They are sized as clusters, which typically include about 4 legs and 1 claw. There are usually around 2 clusters per 1 pound of snow crab. This means that 1 pound of snow crab contains approximately 8 to 9 legs, and 2 claws.
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