Should I cut the fat off steak?

Chef's answer
Trim the Fat Trimming the fat off of the steak before serving the meat, however, makes for a much more pleasurable eating experience. That said, you want to be sure to trim the fat after you've cooked the meat, as the fat imparts a lot of flavor into the meat during the cooking process.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
Choose the flat cut, more often than not the tip cut will end up tougher. Next, while some recipes instruct you to trim all the fat from the brisket, I prefer to trim the fat off after it is finished cooking. That way when the fat renders during the cooking process the flavor will get infused into the meat.
Trim the fat cap off of the corned beef. Leaving some fat, about 1 in (2.5 cm) or less, is fine. The fat adds flavor. Removing the fat before cooking the beef is possible, but the fat helps seal moisture and flavor in the meat.
Trim the fat cap off of the corned beef. Leaving some fat, about 1 in (2.5 cm) or less, is fine. The fat adds flavor. Removing the fat before cooking the beef is possible, but the fat helps seal moisture and flavor in the meat.
Use a small, sharp knife to loosen the silverskin, making it easier to pull off. Also trim the tendons. As the shanks cook, the meat will shrink toward the top of the shank. Cutting the tendons will give the shanks a cleaner appearance as they cook.
Trim the fat cap off of the corned beef. Leaving some fat, about 1 in (2.5 cm) or less, is fine. The fat adds flavor. Removing the fat before cooking the beef is possible, but the fat helps seal moisture and flavor in the meat.
One of the most productive things that you can do with your brisket fat trimmings is to turn it into tallow. Simply put, tallow is a form of beef fat that can be used for a variety of different products ranging from soaps to body butters. You can make a variety of products from tallow.
Trim off any loose pieces of fat or meat but do not remove too much fat. This is necessary to help keep the ribs moist as they cook and most of the fat will melt away during the cooking process anyway. Once cleaned and trimmed, add a good seasoning.
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