What animal is steak from?

Chef's answer
cattleBesides cattle, steaks are also often cut from other grazing animals, including bison, camel, goat, horse, kangaroo, sheep, ostrich, pigs, reindeer, turkey, deer, and zebu, as well as various types of fish, especially salmon and large fish such as swordfish, shark, and marlin..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
What breed of cattle is most profitable?
  • Angus: This is the most popular breed of beef cattle. ...
  • Highland Cattle: Though they are not as popular as they once were, they are still in demand by people who know love their meat. ...
  • Hereford: They can survive in almost all climatic conditions.
The correct pronunciation of Wagyu is Wah-gyuu. So, the "y" in Wagyu is pronounced exactly how you pronounce the letter "u" and this "u" sound must be extended in length, as you can hear in the audio pronunciation..
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