What Animals Can you get trichinosis from?

Chef's answer
How is trichinosis spread? Animals such as pigs, dogs, cats, rats, and many wild animals (including fox, wolf, and polar bear) may carry the parasite. When humans eat infected pork or wild game that has not been properly cooked, they become infected..
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People most often associate trichinellosis with the consumption of raw or undercooked pork. However, in recent years, more cases have been associated with eating raw or undercooked wild game meats (such as bear) than eating domestic pork products. Trichinella parasites can infect a wide range of animals worldwide..
Bears appear to be heavily infected by the parasite, so much so that you should assume the meat is infected.
I'll still eat my bear meat, cooked to a medium doneness. And even if you contract trichinosis, it doesn't mean you've had your last bear hunt. Early symptoms, if any, include muscle fatigue, diarrhea, heartburn, and fatigue.
It is never eaten raw. Polar bear liver is inedible, as it contains large amounts of vitamin A and is highly toxic. ... Bear meat should be thoroughly cooked as it can carry a parasitic infection known as trichinella and is potentially lethal to humans. It is the single biggest vector of trichinosis in North America..
Trichinella spp.8%) black bears. The average age of positive grizzly bears, black bears, and wolves was 13.5, 9.9, and approximately 4 yr, respectively..
Trichinella parasites can infect a wide range of animals worldwide. In the lower 48 states, trichinellosis cases and outbreaks have been caused by the consumption of brown and black bear, wild boar, and cougar.
However, most hunters who do eat black and brown/grizzly bear say the meat is usually good or very good, unless the animal has been feeding on fish....Eating Game Meat.1Fat %8.3Cholesterol (mg/100g*)**Calories (Kcal/100g*)16316 more columns.
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