What body system does Vibrio vulnificus attack?

Chef's answer
(7) It is a human pathogen known to cause gastroenteritis, which is an infection of the stomach and intestines, wound infections and primary septicemia, which occurs when the bacterium enters the host's blood and causes infection throughout the body.
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In simple terms, chorizo refers to a spicy pork sausage that's sealed in a casing made of animal intestines. There are many different types of chorizo, but perhaps two of the most popular are Spanish and Mexican chorizo..
The most popular brands of hot dogs use cellulose casings, which are later removed. ... They are vacuum sealed in plastic films to protect the freshness and flavor of the hot dog. Because the casings on natural casings wieners are made from cleaned and processed animal intestines, they are of similar, but not exact, size..
The most popular brands of hot dogs use cellulose casings, which are later removed. ... They are vacuum sealed in plastic films to protect the freshness and flavor of the hot dog. Because the casings on natural casings wieners are made from cleaned and processed animal intestines, they are of similar, but not exact, size..
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