What do Nile Tilapia eat?
Chef's answer
algaeFeeding. The Nile tilapia is mostly a herbivore, but with omnivorous tendencies, especially when young. They mostly feed on phytoplankton and algae, and in some populations other macrophytes also are important..
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However, tasters were asked to compare the taste of this "fish" with others such as reef fish, cooked in the same way. The results indicated that of the 32 tasters, 28(87.5%) rated red tilapia and 24 (75% rated Nile tilapia "Very Good" - better than other fish cooked on BBQ..
algaeFeeding. The Nile tilapia is mostly a herbivore, but with omnivorous tendencies, especially when young. They mostly feed on phytoplankton and algae, and in some populations other macrophytes also are important..
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