What does Jagerschnitzel mean?

Chef's answer
hunter's cutletsJagerschnitzel means "hunter's cutlets" in German, and the dish was originally made with venison or wild boar backstrap, pounded thin. It is now normally made with pork, and the Texas specialty chicken fried steak is believed to be an outgrowth of this dish brought to the USA by German immigrants..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
hunter's cutletsJagerschnitzel means "hunter's cutlets" in German, and the dish was originally made with venison or wild boar backstrap, pounded thin. It is now normally made with pork, and the Texas specialty chicken fried steak is believed to be an outgrowth of this dish brought to the USA by German immigrants..
In Germany, the term Schnitzel means cutlets in general, not just breaded, fried ones. Schnitzel Wiener Art (Viennese style schnitzel) is a pounded, breaded and fried cutlet, more often made of pork than of veal. ... Jagerschnitzel (hunter's schnitzel) is a schnitzel with mushroom sauce..
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