What is a Betty Dessert?

Chef's answer
A Brown Betty is a traditional American dessert made from fruit (usually apple, but also berries or pears) and sweetened crumbs. Similar to a cobbler or apple crisp, the fruit is baked, and, in this case, the sweetened crumbs are placed in layers between the fruit..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
Most Betty Crocker mixes call for the addition of eggs. According to the website, you can replace eggs using applesauce, bananas, flax seeds, or a can of diet soda. As far as ratios go, a quarter cup of unsweetened applesauce replaces one egg. A ripe, evenly mashed banana is equal to one egg.
Betty Crocker: In both tests, the Better Crocker has the least amount of rise on the cake, which again might be due to the increased liquid in the batter. ... Duncan Hines: The Duncan Hines cake had the lightest and fluffiest texture and it was also the most moist cake mix.
A Brown Betty is a traditional American dessert made from fruit (usually apple, but also berries or pears) and sweetened crumbs. Similar to a cobbler or apple crisp, the fruit is baked, and, in this case, the sweetened crumbs are placed in layers between the fruit..
The origin of the name Brown Betty is in dispute. Some say it is from an English teapot, while others have other ideas. Again, this is one of those simple names with an equally simple beginning. The term brown obviously refers to the color of both the apples, when baked and the breaded topping.
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