What is the active ingredient in meat tenderizer?

Chef's answer
enzyme papainThe active ingredient in commercial meat tenderizer is the enzyme papain, which is found in the papaya plant.14 Aug 1986.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
morningGeneral Weather Conditions: As a general rule of thumb, turkeys are most active during calm, clear days in morning and early afternoon hours. Turkey activity generally decreases with bad weather conditions including wind and rain. During extremely wet and rainy days, turkeys are neither vocal nor very active..
Crayfish are most active at night. In the Southeast U.S. Adult size is reached by crayfish in the wild in 2 - 4 years..
enzyme papainThe active ingredient in commercial meat tenderizer is the enzyme papain, which is found in the papaya plant.14 Aug 1986.
Cash In On Nocturnal Activity Blue crabs are most active at night. You'll occasionally see them out and about during the day but those crabs are the exception, not the rule. So if you want to turn up big numbers and have the best chance at limiting out, it's best to wait until the sun goes down to start crabbing.
Blue crabs, like many predators, are more active after dark. They emerge from eelgrass and weeds where they hide during the day to scuttle close to shorelines and snatch spearing and mummichogs or scavenge fallen fish. This brings them into knee- to waist-deep water, often right against the shoreline or sod bank.
1. Make an effort to include bright colors, like a mix of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and a vibrant protein like salmon to make it look more ~visually appealing~. Plus, by adding a wider variety of fresh ingredients, your salad will have more interesting flavors.
Here are some ideas to super-boost your salad!
  • Add texture with roasted seeds or nuts. Seeds and nuts are a great salad topper. ...
  • Make it more filling with whole grains. ...
  • Beans and other legumes add plant-based protein. ...
  • Fresh herbs add lots of flavour. ...
  • Sweeten your salad with fruit. ...
  • Make sure your salad is properly seasoned.
  • .
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