What months are avocados in season?

Chef's answer
Avocados are available year round like most agricultural commodities these days, but January through March is the best time of year for flavor. It is during this time that the fruit has developed higher oil content, resulting in that buttery flavor and texture that we all love.
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Avocados contain substances called polyols or sorbitol which are carbohydrates that may affect people who have sensitive stomachs or irritable bowel syndrome, she explained. "If they eat too much avocado in one sitting, it can cause bloating, diarrhea or intense pain in the gut.
Vegans avoid animal products. For strict vegans this means avoiding honey because of the exploitation of bees. That seems to imply that vegans should also avoid vegetables like avocados that involve exploiting bees in their production.
Vegans avoid animal products. For strict vegans this means avoiding honey because of the exploitation of bees. That seems to imply that vegans should also avoid vegetables like avocados that involve exploiting bees in their production.
Additionally, avocados are high in soluble fibre that has been shown to reduce belly fat by suppressing appetite. Although avocados are high in fat and calories, studies suggest that they can help you lose or maintain weight.
Once ripe, eat the avocado in the next day or two, or store it whole and uncut in the refrigerator for up to three days. Cold slows down ripening, so don't buy unripe avocados and put them in the refrigerator. They won't ripen properly, if at all.
While some people on Twitter are calling the seedless avocado genetically modified, according to the Times, the seedless avocado is actually the result of an un-pollinated blossom of the fruit, grown without a seed. So, they're no more GMO than regular pitted avocados.
2 weeksFirm, uncut avocados can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. They will continue to ripen while in the refrigerator, but at a slower rate..
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