Which procedure should be followed when pan frying ingredients?

Chef's answer
To prevent food from sticking, heat the pan first and then add the oil or butter. For the crunchiest texture, it helps to start many foods on medium-high heat to initiate browning, then reduce the heat to allow it to finish cooking more slowly.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
Bacon that's been just given the flavor of smoke without actually being smoked probably hasn't reached that minimum internal temperature, which means it could be harboring bacteria or parasites that'll make you sick. And you can get very sick from eating raw or undercooked pork. ... Don't eat raw bacon.
Make sure to let the pan cool slightly before draining the fat. Depending on your desired doneness, regular sliced bacon will be ready after about 14 minutes and thick-cut bacon at 18 minutes. If you cook less than a full sheet of bacon, the strips cook more quickly, which is why we suggest checking after 12 minutes.
golden brownCooked bacon should be golden brown. Overcooked bacon will be a very dark brown. Undercooked bacon is light brown. pink/white color will indicate still raw meat..
There is no need to flip. Unless you have a well seasoned cast iron grill or one of the really cheap portable grills with thin grates, the flesh of the salmon will most likely stick. To avoid the "sticking panic" cook salmon skin side down and don't flip. Grill approximately 8 minutes per inch of thickness..
You shouldn't eat any pork product raw or undercooked unless it's Canadian, due to trichinosis. The bacon looked pink because it's been smoked, which gives anything a pink color when smoked. Enjoy the bacon!.
The scallops will be cooked with a slightly rare-medium rare center at this point. You can continue to cook for 2 min if you prefer them to be closer to medium (We prefer them closer to rare). Serve immediately with some lemon wedges to add a touch of citrus and sprinkle with finishing salt to taste.
  • Take the scallops, thawed if frozen, and place them on a paper towel. ...
  • Heat a cast iron skillet or non-stick pan over a high heat.
  • Once the pan is very hot, add the oil.
  • Place each scallop carefully into the oil and cook untouched for 2 minutes.
  • More items....
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