Why are vampiros called vampiros?

Chef's answer
They're called tacos vampiros (or vampire tacos) because the tortilla is griddled until it's dried out and crunchy, with a concave shape, looking something like a bat wing. ...
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
Diver scallops refer to the method of harvesting. Instead of being dredged, these scallops are harvested by hand by actual divers. This is incredibly labor intensive, but far less damaging to the environment than dredging the ocean floor with nets.
A British term that refers to a piece of toast cut into thin strips reminiscent of the formation of soldiers on parade. ... The toast is sliced in this manner so that it can be dipped into the opening of a soft boiled egg that has had the top of its shell removed.
Capicola is called for in most American recipes for an Italian Hoagie or Italian Sub. Made from pork shoulder butt that is brine soaked then cooked, Capicola is seasoned with hot pepper flakes, salt and garlic. Coppa: This famous Italian cut of ham is a salted, seasoned and dry-cured thinly cut pork shoulder or neck.
The name 'jerky' is derived from a dried-meat product which is popular in the USA. Many countries have their own form of dried-meat products. The product name varies, as does the form in which it is eaten. The Americans call it 'jerky' and eat it as a leathery whole tissue, or comminuted into strips..
cannibal sandwichThe "cannibal sandwich" is made up of raw ground beef, typically seasoned with spices and onions, served on bread.
henIf they were mature salmon, myself and the fishermen I know would call them "hen" for female and "buck" for male..
Jerky is lean trimmed meat that has been cut into strips and dried (dehydrated) to prevent spoilage. ... The word "jerky" derives from the Quechua word ch'arki which means "dried, salted meat"..
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