Does lemon kill bacteria in ceviche?

Chef's answer
Denaturing, acid-style At its core, ceviche is basically fresh seafood steeped in an acidic marinade, most commonly lime or lemon juice. ... You don't want it to be too pickled.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
Fish ceviche is considered a healthy dish since it is mainly made up of lean, protein-packed fish, nutrient-dense vegetables and citrus juice. This ceviche recipe is low in carbs, calories and unhealthy fats, yet high in protein, antioxidants, fatty acids and nutrients.
Denaturing, acid-style At its core, ceviche is basically fresh seafood steeped in an acidic marinade, most commonly lime or lemon juice. ... You don't want it to be too pickled.
2-3 daysBecause the shrimp is marinated in lime juice, ceviche can be kept in the fridge for at up to 2-3 days.
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