Does opening the vents on a smoker make it hotter?

Chef's answer
Because hot air rises, your exhaust vent acts as a vacuum to draw air into the intake vent. When this hot air rises, it heats up your smoker. ... Close it off and you starve the fire and it burns out even if the exhaust damper is open. Open it all the way and the temperature rises..
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Even when you're grilling with the lid off, you need to think about the bottom vent. The more open it is, the more oxygen is supplied to the charcoal, which makes it burn hotter. ... Closed vents mean less oxygen, which in turn means less heat and slower-burning charcoal.
Because hot air rises, your exhaust vent acts as a vacuum to draw air into the intake vent. When this hot air rises, it heats up your smoker. ... Close it off and you starve the fire and it burns out even if the exhaust damper is open. Open it all the way and the temperature rises..
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