How do restaurants cook so fast?

Chef's answer
One reason that they can do it much faster is practice.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
The reason why fish cooks much faster than meat is because fish flesh contains less collagen that other meats such as red meats and poultry. Fish have less collagen because their muscles are used much less then compared to a cow or chicken. Because fish has less collagen, it tends to be more tender than land animals..
Home cooks can easily get tripped up by the main difference in preparing wild salmon versus farmed salmon: wild salmon cooks faster than farmed. In the time it takes to cook a fillet of farm-raised salmon to a tender medium rare, a wild fillet will dry out and have lost much of its depth of flavor and luscious texture.
Covering meat when you cook it in the oven will trap the moisture and heat under the lid and often result in the meat cooking faster and being more tender. Leaving meat uncovered in the oven will usually require it to cook longer and leave the meat less moist but with a nice crispy outside..
In general, covering a casserole dish will cook the food faster. This is because the lid traps the heat that rises off the food instead of letting it dissipate into the oven. Covering also has the effect of moistening the food inside, like steaming, because any moisture that rises off the food is trapped by the lid..
Pork Ribs tend to be easier to cook, because they're smaller and, unlike beef ribs, you can cook both kinds in pretty much the same way..
smoking half racks take the same amount of cooking time as full racks. stick with your routine and you'll be ok. I'm firing up my smokin' pro for some buts and ribs for my wifes grad party and will be doing full racks for about 5 to 6 hours myself also besides the butts.
Covering meat when you cook it in the oven will trap the moisture and heat under the lid and often result in the meat cooking faster and being more tender. Leaving meat uncovered in the oven will usually require it to cook longer and leave the meat less moist but with a nice crispy outside..
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