How do you humanely kill a crayfish?

Chef's answer
Procedure: chilling in air
  • Place the crustaceans in a freezer. Regularly check them for signs of insensibility (see 'Signs of insensibility'). ...
  • Once the crustaceans are showing signs of insensibility, mechanically kill them as soon as possible to ensure that they do not recover.
  • Frequently asked Questions 🎓
    To prevent food from sticking, heat the pan first and then add the oil or butter. For the crunchiest texture, it helps to start many foods on medium-high heat to initiate browning, then reduce the heat to allow it to finish cooking more slowly.
    The standard breading procedure
  • Flour: The food is first dusted in flour, shaking off any excess. The flour helps to wick up any additional moisture from the food. ...
  • Egg Wash: Next, it is dipped into a beaten egg wash. This helps the main coating stick to the food at the final step. ...
  • Breading: Finally, it's dredged in the main coating.
  • Procedure for Quantity Salad Production
  • Prepare all ingredients. Wash and cut greens. ...
  • Arrange salad plates on worktables. ...
  • Place bases or underliners on all plates.
  • Arrange body of salad on all plates.
  • Garnish all salads.
  • Refrigerate until service. ...
  • Do not add dressing to green salads until service, or they will wilt.
  • .
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