How long can you hold brisket?

Chef's answer
You can hold all day even as low as 145 degrees if you well wrap and don't pre-slice the brisket into serving trays. If the temp is right and if you super wrap, everything should stay hot and moist. Your bark will become soft but it's flavor will remain. The moisture will remain in the package.
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Binders You Can Use to Keep the Burger Together If you want to use a binder in your meat, but don't want to use egg, other alternatives are flour such as wheat flour, cracker crumbs, or even oatmeal. You can go a more scientific route and use gelatin, which is used a lot in baking, or guar or xanthan gums..
4 hoursYou can usually safely rest a brisket up to 4 hours foil-wrapped in a cooler with towels. In my book, the longer the better -- no less than 2 hours and preferably 3 or longer.
To help your meatloaf stay together add things in like eggs and bread crumbs because they are key ingredients that bind meat stick together. Another reason why your meatloaf may be falling apart is that it is overcooked..
ANSWER: Usually when meatballs fall apart, it's the binder that is the problem. Most meatball recipes call for using bread crumbs and eggs. But too much bread crumbs make them too loose, and not enough bread crumbs won't help them hold together either.
The most common reason is that your meatloaf doesn't have enough binding agents. To help your meatloaf stay together add things in like eggs and bread crumbs because they are key ingredients that bind meat stick together. Another reason why your meatloaf may be falling apart is that it is overcooked..
It is recommended you check the temperature of your hot or cold holding food every four hours. However, if you check every 2 hours instead, this allows enough time to take corrective action in the event that food has fallen into the danger zone.
You can hold all day even as low as 145 degrees if you well wrap and don't pre-slice the brisket into serving trays. If the temp is right and if you super wrap, everything should stay hot and moist. Your bark will become soft but it's flavor will remain. The moisture will remain in the package.
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