Should I kill a wolf spider?

Chef's answer
They eat pests. Wolf spiders can get quite large, but they are not dangerous. ... Like any other living thing, you can kill a wolf spider by poison damage or crushing it, but there is absolutely no reason to do so. If you see a wolf spider outdoors, you should leave it alone..
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
When the babies hatch they often stay inside the sac to finish developing. Some mother's stay until the spiderlings leave the sac, others will either leave or die before seeing their babies. ... Many spiders will go off on their own after their eggs hatch, leaving the babies to fend for themselves..
They eat pests. Wolf spiders can get quite large, but they are not dangerous. ... Like any other living thing, you can kill a wolf spider by poison damage or crushing it, but there is absolutely no reason to do so. If you see a wolf spider outdoors, you should leave it alone..
Wolf Spiders Jump We'll just say, it is pretty impressive. Fortunately, they aren't prone to pouncing on humans..
All spiders can bite humans. ... However, certain spiders pose more dangers than others, depending on their venom. Wolf spiders (Lycosa) aren't deadly to humans, but they can still bite and cause uncomfortable symptoms..
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