What is the best selling hot dog in the United States?

Chef's answer
Ball Park franksNinety-four million Americans choose Ball Park franks every year, making them the best-selling hot dog in the U.S. While reviewers at sites like the Daily Meal didn't have too many nice things to say about these sausages, calling them "rubbery" and "mushy," the people have spoken, and they've made Ball Park franks the ...
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Old Tyme Franks have natural casings, which give them a "snap" when you take a bite into them. Kayem Hot Dogs do not have a casing..
The Ball Park hot dog had noticeably less flavor and tasted more of additives than any of the others in our tasting. The Trader Joe's frank suffered from a rubbery, unfamiliar taste. ... BALL PARK UNCURED BEEF FRANKS, $4.99 FOR 8 "'Flaccid' is not a good word to associate with sausage, but that's what it is," Sam said.
Field Old Fashioned Franks have a delicious snap with every bite. Made with turkey and pork the meat is velvety smooth..
For years, Ball Park franks have been sold with a "they plump when you cook 'em" slogan. ... Yes, Ball Park franks are manly franks indeed.
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