Why should peeled potatoes not be exposed to air longer than necessary?

Chef's answer
When potatoes, eggplant or apples are peeled or cut, certain enzymes are exposed to air. When an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, also known as tyrosinase is exposed to oxygen, oxidation takes place, which leads to browning of the surfaces of these fruits.
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Meat treated with CO is safe to eat. CO is only hazardous if you breathe it, but once it is chemically combined with the meat it can't hurt you, so after you open a package of ground beef there will be few, if any, molecules of CO to breathe. ... Not everyone is in favor of using CO in meat packaging.
A potato exposed to fresh air turns brown because they are jam-packed with starch. When these starches are exposed to oxygen, they undergo a called oxidation, which turns potatoes grayish or brownish. The process of oxidation slows down when potatoes are soaked in water.
Answer. Answer: 1.) the exposed nails w/o paint will rusted and the painted nails will be immune in rust.
When potatoes, eggplant or apples are peeled or cut, certain enzymes are exposed to air. When an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, also known as tyrosinase is exposed to oxygen, oxidation takes place, which leads to browning of the surfaces of these fruits.
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