Will a scorpion die if you cut off its tail?

Chef's answer
Now it turns out some scorpions can pull the same stunt, sacrificing not only their stingers but also their ability to poop. Researchers have discovered 14 species of Ananteris scorpions in the northern jungles of South America that break off their tails to avoid capture.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
But scorpions - members of the arachnida class along with spiders - actually have eight legs, as well as their distinctive pincers. ... The Natural History Museum was also adamant that scorpions have eight legs, not six - "unless you were to chop two of them off".
When they are born, baby scorpions have a very soft outside shell, or exoskeleton. ... Sometimes when the mother scorpion cannot find enough insects, bugs, or grub worms to eat, she will eat her own babies. Luckily this is only a last resort. Usually, the mother scorpion will eat her babies only to survive.
When the mother feels ready, she presses her body onto her offspring and allows them to consume her via sucking on her insides. As they consume her, they also release poison into her body, causing a quick death. The mother's body is kept for a few weeks as a nutritional reserve..
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