Is corn the only seed that pops?

Chef's answer
Get It Poppin': Your New Favorite Way to Eat Quinoa (and Amaranth, and Sorghum) Corn isn't the only thing you can pop. ... Quinoa, sorghum, and amaranth are some of the most easily popped and puffed, but once you get those down pat, branch out and try other grains and seeds.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
Cornflakes are classic breading material, but any grain-based, not-too-sweet cereal works great as a stand-in for traditional breadcrumbs.
How do you know when corned beef is done in the slow cooker? The meat is ready when it is "fork-tender". This is a good indication that is properly cooked, tender, and ready for serving. In addition, I recommend using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature.
Choose the flat cut, more often than not the tip cut will end up tougher. Next, while some recipes instruct you to trim all the fat from the brisket, I prefer to trim the fat off after it is finished cooking. That way when the fat renders during the cooking process the flavor will get infused into the meat.
When buying a brisket for corned beef, plan on about 3/4 pounds per person, or up to one pound per person if you want to make sure there are leftovers for things like sandwiches and hash.
Depending on the pickling solution used for the meat, you may be in for a saltier meal than you bargained for if you cook the meat without rinsing it. And don't worry: Rinsing won't make the beef taste bland! The flavor is infused deep into the beef during the curing process.
Ale: Red ales (something like Smithwicks.
Gray corned beef is said to have a better taste than red. The gray meet is softer and sweeter. Gray corned beef is also less salty than red corned beef..
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