What is the biggest grouper in the world?
Chef's answer
goliath grouperThe goliath grouper is the largest grouper in the western Atlantic. Growing to lengths of 8.2 feet (2.5 m), this grouper can weigh as much as 800 pounds (363 kg). In Florida, the largest hook and line captured specimen weighed 680 pounds (309 kg).
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Florida made it illegal to keep Goliath grouper in 1990, and the species was listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as critically endangered in 1994. The species crashed in numbers due to several factors: they're a long-living, slow-maturing fish that often congregates in groups.
Harvest and possession has been prohibited in both state and federal waters off Florida since 1990. Must be immediately returned to the water free, alive and unharmed. Large goliath groupers should be left in the water during release. ....
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