Can I eat sweets during pregnancy?

Chef's answer
It is OK to give in to the occasional food craving, as long as you continue to eat a good variety of healthy foods. If you are craving a lot of unhealthy foods, such as sweets or chocolate, try not to over-indulge. Too much sugar can cause excessive weight gain and dental problems..
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It is OK to give in to the occasional food craving, as long as you continue to eat a good variety of healthy foods. If you are craving a lot of unhealthy foods, such as sweets or chocolate, try not to over-indulge. Too much sugar can cause excessive weight gain and dental problems..
In the meantime, she recommends pregnant women follow current guidelines on sugar consumption. The American Heart Association advises women limit free sugars, which increase calories and hold no nutrients, to 6 teaspoons daily.
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