How do you sanitize a food thermometer?

Chef's answer
To sanitize the thermometer, most home cooks should simply wash it with hot, soapy water. However, if you're tailgating or at a campsite where hot water isn't accessible, wiping it with a clean alcohol swab (like this) will also do the trick.
Frequently asked Questions 🎓
To sanitize the thermometer, most home cooks should simply wash it with hot, soapy water. However, if you're tailgating or at a campsite where hot water isn't accessible, wiping it with a clean alcohol swab (like this) will also do the trick.
As the probe of the thermometer will be inserted into food, the probe must be cleaned and sanitised before it is used to measure the temperature of a different food. If the probe is not cleaned and sanitised, food poisoning bacteria may be transferred from one food to another food..
To die pasta, use about two tablespoons of hand sanitizer (or roughly two squirts from the bottle) and 10 to 15 drops of food coloring. Add as much food coloring as needed until you obtain the desired shade (remembering that the color will fade slightly as the pasta dries).
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